Xbox360 Games & Video Games

Friday, February 26, 2010

How to Repair the Xbox 360 Red Ring of Death

By Andrew Meer

Every Xbox 360 owner's nightmare is the red ring of death, that fearful moment when your console start showing you 3 red lights instead of green. But I don't give a care whether my Xbox shows me the red ring of death or not, because it can be repaired with some really easy methods.

New Xbox 360 owners might think that the best bet would be to send their console back to Microsoft for repairs, but believe me, it takes ages, and they don't usually send the same console that you sent them. What if the problem had been a loose cable or a fault with your surge protector, which seems to be the case most of the time according to my buddy at Xbox Customer Support. That would be a total waste of time and money.

When my console showed me the red ring of death, I thought I was a goner. I was in the middle of playing Gears of War 2, and you can already imagine how I might have felt not being able to play a game like that. I knew I couldn't send it to Microsoft and wait for two months while they decided what was good for me, so I surfed the Internet and found some really easy methods to get me playing ASAP. Here are the methods.

Simply restart your console. Believe me because that might work.

Shut down your Xbox and wait for a couple of hours and then give a try. Might have been overheated.

Might be a problem with your hard drive. Please remove and fix it again properly.

Change your surge protector or plug directly without it.

Might be a problem with your CPU or GPU coming loose due to overheating.

In this case get a []Repair Guide which will get it fixed within a couple of hours time. It's better than sending your Xbox 360 back to Microsoft for repairs. The repair guide contains videos so you wouldn't feel at sea on what to do anytime. If you want to know more about the red ring of death visit my []Squidoo Page for more information.

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